Here you'll find everything from my orignal site that I found worth preserving. The original started in 2002, so a lot of this stuff is outdated in both facts and opinions. But it's still mine, and if I'm not exactly proud of what's below, I'm at least fond of it all.
The Gallery of Hideous Box Art
Astyanax: In which I avoid making a pun like NASTYanax.
Clash at Demonhead: Featuring absolutely no early punk references.
Crystalis: SNK's best game and blandest cover.
Dynamite Duke: Sega's semi-invisible man.
El Viento: I don't know how to say "This ain't right" in Spanish, but it would apply here.
Guardian Heroes: In a word, GRAAAAHHHH.
The Guardian Legend: Somewhere, a generic RPG is missing a cover.
Rival Turf!: Street thugs don't get any tougher than this.
Saint Sword: There's a sword. Saint to follow.
Streetsmart: If this were a Neo-Geo game, the SNK cult would love it. But it's not.
Strider: Captain Zoom fights the Monkey-Men of Mars.
Strider (NES): The lesser Strider with the slightly better cover.
Tagin' Dragon: This makes the title seem even filthier.
Trouble Shooter: Ever wonder why they didn't translate Trouble Shooter 2?
Tuff E Nuff: Also known by its birth name, Thurston Edward Nuffington III.
Valis III: Three covers. One is decent.
Vice: Project Doom: Vice is, in fact, nice. GamePro was right.
Wing of Alnam: Yes, just one wing. Can't afford two.
Wonder Boy in Monster Land: Well, at least he's a happy doll-faced lunatic.
Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap: Sadly, this cover's actually good for an SMS game.
Wurm: The center of the earth is full of hair.
General Crap
Bounty Arms: A look at my favorite unreleased game. Don't ask why.
Cyborgs Ain’t Ladies: Here I tried to spark a new internet catch phrase. It didn't take.
Final Fantasy XII Day: Just in case I need proof that it actually happened
Final Fantasy Tactics Figures: Because we just don't talk about Final Fantasy enough.
Guilty Gear X Figures: No, there aren't any Bridget figures. Yet.
Guilty Gear Isuka Millia Rage Statue: Still none. Stop asking.
Quill Quest: My first and only attempt at designing a video game.
The Valkyrie in Video Games: Exploring the marvelous bastardization of a Norse pseudo-deity.